Wednesday, April 11, 2012


 Trip to Canada

Since we got a late start (11:30 AM) Friday we drove till 8:30 PM through the rain. It felt like a car wash at times but at least the car was clean and we made it as far as Roseburg, Oregon. We got up early to beat the storm that was to hit later that day. After declaring one six pack of Roswell Alien beer and several bags of pistachios from Tim McGinn’s farm the Canadian Immigration welcomed me back to Canada….well I was impressed. Now, do you think that I will receive the same warm welcome when I return to the good old US of A.  Wait for it, I’ll let you know when we go back in late July.

We arrived at my folks place in Richmond, BC located just before the bridge to cross into Vancouver while there was still daylight. It was not raining, so we took advantage of both daylight and dry clouds to unload our Honda Odyssey which was packed for a 6 month stay. I think that we made seven unloading trips and still left the portal potty in the car.

Sunday: April Fool’s day and (rain day) it was a day of rest, recap of trip was told to my folks since they have no access to a computer/internet nor knowledge on how it works.

Monday: (rain day) was used to work on my parents US income taxes, grocery shopping at a new grocery store (Chinese Style) close to their apartment. The vegetable and fruit section was incredible and so were the high prices. In fact, everything price wise was high and my mother told us not to look at the price….just buy it if you need it. There is a section in that store that you can buy almost any and everything by weight even peanut butter and jam (that’s different)J. Nori noticed that a female duck was coming to the back every morning between 7:30 AM and 8:30 AM. It would land on the grass, strut around for a few minutes then fly up to a hanging basket  on the patio across the back lawn. On occasion a male Mallard would arrive with her and sort of stand guard as we suspect that she lays an egg. Nori, besides her cooking ability is an old duck raiser when she was young.     
Tuesday: (slight rain) we had the signing ceremony for the Form 1040 and when across the street to a shopping mall where we were able to copy and mail the tax forms back to the US. While at the mall we did the usual window shopping, haircut for my dad, picked up a few groceries and a quick lunch at the food court.
Wednesday: Since the spare room that Nori and I slept in only had 2 single beds, my MOM said that she would pay for a new bed of our liking but we had to find one, get it delivered and have the old beds removed. We found a bed at that mall where we mailed the tax forms and thought that we would check out more places. We had planned a trip to Ikea to get some Swedish Lingon berries and dark chocolates and while there we should take a peek at the bed section. It turned out to be our lucky day! We came across a sofa bed with mattress and cover for only $279 and it converts from sofa to bed by just lifting the front till you hear it click. It will allow my folks to place things on it for storage and or convert it to a bed only when needed. Delivery day is Saturday.
Thursday: We had made an appointment with Orange-O carpet cleaning (British Columbia only) a few days before and today was cleaning day. Nori and I moved small furniture items into the spare room that we were staying in since it was the only room not being cleaned. My dad vacuumed all the rooms, Nori and I did the edging and dusting. After the service guy arrived, I took the ladies to the mall to shop while my dad (Tom) and I stayed and assisted when we could. The man turned out to be a French Canadian and that when well with my mother. I got along well with him and we exchanged phone numbers so we could get together again in the future. After all was done, I picked up the ladies and we went out for dinner while the carpet dried.
Friday: We all went out for breakfast (I-Hop) FYI: servers make $9 an hour plus tips. That afternoon Nori and I went to a local badminton club that accepted drop-ins. We met and played with a lady called Dollar and two teen girls named Tiffany and Alice. There were 15 courts and most of the players were Chinese but we still won against the teens.
Saturday:  Our new bed from Ikea arrived and Nori and I hurriedly put it all together in anticipation of breaking it in (maybe that was JUST my anticipation) (I’m just a little naughty). The landlord (Hal) for the apartment that my folks live in came over with his wife to check out an electrical problem they were having with the kitchen light. We had met Hal and his wife before and they are a very nice and helpful couple who treat my parents like they were their own grandparents. Hal even offered to take us to the airport when we go to Hawaii.
Easter Sunday: Back to I-Hop for feast…..there are just not too many non-Chinese choices in Richmond. We did laundry so we would have clean clothing to pack for our Hawaii trip on Tuesday.  My sister Lynn called to let us know that she was back from Phoenix and we arranged to go to her new place Monday afternoon. We finished most of the packing and made a Hawaii check list.                                                
Monday: After breakfast, I called a few charity places to see if one of them would take two single metal beds and mattress. I had tried the Friday before but it seems that most places did not take furniture or they did not pick-up. Fortunately for both parties, the SPCA would accept the beds if we delivered and we just had to get rid of those or off to the dump at a cost. Nori was a real trooper and helped me load and take them to the pound….sorry no animals were harmed in the delivery of these items.

Later that day we went to my sister Lynn and husband Bob and their son Nelson’s new high rise home. The view was stunning.

We got the grand tour sat and talked while Bob and I each drank one of those Roswell Alien beer that I brought for Nelson (you snooze—you lose). The apartment was super and modern.

We walked to a nearby water taxi and took it across the inlet to Grandville Island Public Market.

 Nori and I love to go to this foodie kind of market that has entertainment on weekends and holidays. Check out the dog in the sidecar photo.

We got a table and I found some Swiss Grenyer (completely misspelled) cheese and coffee to share.  We went back to Lynn and Bob’s place and Nelson who was sleeping when we arrived earlier (due to shift work) was up and we got to talk about his life as a casino dealer. He had a lot of interesting stories to tell.
Tuesday: This was the big day to be ready for the taxi coming at 11:00 AM. The four of us, Nori and I and my folks ate, got cleaned up, packed, verified check list and were ready to get laid…..oops, their I go again. I mean get an Hawaiian lei when we arrive, if they still do that anymore.  We make it to the airport, get past customs and down to our gate just to find out that the flight was going to be one and a half hours later than we thought….oh well….it happens. So now, we have watched a movie, ate and are 4 hours into our 5.5 hour flight and I’m finishing this up so I can post it when we get to the Hale Koa Hotel on Wikii Beach. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi! to both of you !I was glad to read your blog and to have news of Lynn and family. Here our aunt Madeleine passed away at 88 years old. She was deaf, senile and very skinny. Caroline and François thought the last 10 years where very difficult and full of worries. Caroline has a leave of abcence from her work because she was to exhausted. She will be able to recuperate.
    Aunt Ann barely made it returning from California just before Air Canada's strike.
    Aunt Claudette came with her daughter June (one of the twins) Armande, Yvon's wife, also came.
    I saw a few cousins; Andrée whom read a beautiful tribute about Madeleine's life (everybody was almost crying)
    Pierre and his wife Lorraine, Yvan and his wife Carol with 2 of their children Andreanne 20 and Antoine 23.
    On another note, Mom and André are well in their residence in Magog. Mom has Alzheimer but it is not to bad. We see them often since they are close.
    Take Care
    Cousine Louise
